exit78: Dear Jane "Insanity"
exit78: Dear Jane "Insanity"
exit78: 2007 11 07 002ed
exit78: 2008 01 10 003ed
exit78: 2008 01 10 001ed
exit78: 2008 01 18 005ed
exit78: 2008 02 07 002ed
exit78: 2008 02 17 008ed
exit78: 2008 03 15 012ed
exit78: 2007-00702
exit78: 2007-00609
exit78: 2007-00700
exit78: Jane Sickle's civil war sampler quilt
exit78: insanity
exit78: Insanity revisited
exit78: Final Frontier Quilt - selectively colored photo
exit78: Around Home, February 2, 2007
exit78: "Bird Brain*" quilt blocks on the design wall
exit78: "Hertfordshire Quilt" center on the design wall