ExistDifferently: Nathaniel smiles at toys
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel holds toy
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel smiles
ExistDifferently: Our cutie
ExistDifferently: Grandma holds Nathaniel
ExistDifferently: Grandma and Nathaniel
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel on Grandpa's lap
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and Grandparents
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and Grandparents
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel sleeps in Daddy's arms
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel grins
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and mobile
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel sleeps in stroller
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel sleeps in stroller
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel laughs
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel smiles
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel laughs
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel's favorite snack
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and blanket
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and blanket
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and blanket
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and blanket
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel and blanket
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel grins at Daddy
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel plays peek-a-boo
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel swaddled and sleeping in bassinet, hand at mouth
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel making faces while wide awake
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel making faces while wide awake
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel making faces while wide awake
ExistDifferently: Nathaniel making faces while wide awake