exfordy: Wieliczka Salt Mine
exfordy: The Janowice Chamber
exfordy: Timber supports
exfordy: Saint Kinga Cathedral
exfordy: Rock salt chandeliers
exfordy: Rock salt chandeliers
exfordy: Alter in the Chapel of Saint Kinga
exfordy: Salt carving of Jesus
exfordy: Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'
exfordy: The 'Doubting Thomas' carved in rock salt
exfordy: Salt-Rock Carving of 'Christ Preaching in the Temple'
exfordy: Carving in salt in Chapel of St Kinga
exfordy: Carving of "A miracle in Cana of Galilee"
exfordy: Salt statue of Pope John Paul II
exfordy: Modern miners' electric train
exfordy: Chapel
exfordy: Winch
exfordy: Paternoster device used to pump up brine
exfordy: Horse-drawn hoist in the Danilowicz shaft
exfordy: Salt mine passageway
exfordy: Reception hall
exfordy: Timber supports in the auditorium at the end of the tour
exfordy: Refreshments
exfordy: Psychedelic Fiat
exfordy: Wall mural
exfordy: Krakow centre map
exfordy: Tram
exfordy: Tram
exfordy: Tram
exfordy: Tram