Exena: Live Through This.
Exena: My Before X-Ray
Exena: Zombie arm.
Exena: Post-Op Essentials
Exena: One Day Post-Op
Exena: My Bionic Arm!
Exena: Four Days Post-Op
Exena: Big Ass Cast
Exena: My first Bill Murray coloring book masterpiece.
Exena: Last day with the giant cast!
Exena: Bionic Arm, Frankenarm...
Exena: Not creepy at all.
Exena: Wonky Eye
Exena: Frankie
Exena: Two Months Post-Op
Exena: Two Months Post-Op
Exena: Five Months Post-Op
Exena: Five Months Post-Op
Exena: It's Alive!
Exena: Scar & Cat Scratch
Exena: The Good
Exena: The Bad & The Ugly