exd_187: K/J. Same thing
exd_187: fountain at Buckingham Palace
exd_187: IMG_0129
exd_187: Leciester Square in London
exd_187: Bath
exd_187: Bath
exd_187: Roman Baths
exd_187: Baths and Abbey
exd_187: Roman plumbing
exd_187: Bath water
exd_187: City of Bath
exd_187: Royal Crescent
exd_187: King's Cross
exd_187: talking a walk
exd_187: IMG_0225
exd_187: Sunny Scotland
exd_187: Cloudy Scotland
exd_187: July showers...
exd_187: flowers in the wall
exd_187: more flowers
exd_187: almost finished with the hike
exd_187: more flowers
exd_187: old stone wall
exd_187: yet more flowers
exd_187: IMG_0240
exd_187: last one. I promise
exd_187: Scotish Beaches
exd_187: Pollock???
exd_187: Edinburgh Castle
exd_187: a view from the castle