ewka2205: "We have much to hope from the flowers" ~Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
ewka2205: “The poppy opens her scarlet purse of dreams"
ewka2205: Changing the mood for the February weekend
ewka2205: "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you" ~ Winnie the Pooh
ewka2205: Poppy field
ewka2205: Poppy field forever
ewka2205: Poppies on the sky
ewka2205: Poppy heart
ewka2205: By poppy field
ewka2205: Between poppies
ewka2205: Poppies in the wind
ewka2205: My red dream
ewka2205: Red passion
ewka2205: "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience"
ewka2205: HMB!
ewka2205: Red&Green
ewka2205: Summer in the meadow