ewka2205: Each leaf, each blade of grass vies for attention. Even weeds carry tiny blossoms to astonish us" ~Marianne Poloskey
ewka2205: "The heart was made to be broken" ~Oskar Wilde
ewka2205: Yummy!
ewka2205: Black stork
ewka2205: Dunajec river rafting (part II)
ewka2205: Dunajec river rafting (part I)
ewka2205: Trzy Korony and Facimiech Mountain
ewka2205: Couple
ewka2205: Profile
ewka2205: Clouds
ewka2205: Morning exercises?
ewka2205: Don't let your dreams overgrown weeds.
ewka2205: Tree
ewka2205: Summer flowers
ewka2205: Anemon
ewka2205: HMB!
ewka2205: Birds
ewka2205: Quiet evening on the Baltic sea
ewka2205: ~Happy Monday Blues!~
ewka2205: Daisies
ewka2205: "If you don't aim at anything you achieve nothing"
ewka2205: Just one
ewka2205: Climbing
ewka2205: ~I do believe in love~
ewka2205: *****
ewka2205: Have a nice weekend everyone!
ewka2205: HGGT!
ewka2205: Spring fields II
ewka2205: Blue (or purple? ;) spring