ewka2205: Rain
ewka2205: "All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door"
ewka2205: My place
ewka2205: “City life is millions of people being lonesome together" ~Henry David Thoreau
ewka2205: “Every man dies, not every man really lives” ~William Ross Wallace
ewka2205: Clouds
ewka2205: Around the countryside
ewka2205: View from the top
ewka2205: Still sunny autumn days...
ewka2205: Autumnal walk
ewka2205: Boogie street
ewka2205: ~Happy Monday Blues!~
ewka2205: Spring fields II
ewka2205: Spring fields
ewka2205: 5 am, the sunrise of my window
ewka2205: Ducks on the pond ;)
ewka2205: Birds
ewka2205: Wzgórze Zamkowe w Kielcach zimą
ewka2205: Winter forest
ewka2205: Walk in the late afternoon
ewka2205: City lights
ewka2205: Winter day
ewka2205: Winter afternoon
ewka2205: Wzgórze Zamkowe w Kielcach
ewka2205: November sun
ewka2205: Walk in the autumn woods
ewka2205: Autumn in the city
ewka2205: Autumn in the city park
ewka2205: Pałac Biskupów Krakowskich w Kielcach