ewedistrict: Snug Harbor Trespassing
ewedistrict: Furtive
ewedistrict: Sarah Picking Cherries
ewedistrict: Michelle is a Rock Star
ewedistrict: Snug Harbor
ewedistrict: An old Sawmill
ewedistrict: IMG_0429-2
ewedistrict: IMG_0433
ewedistrict: Low Tide at Cape Alava
ewedistrict: Broken Sawmill
ewedistrict: Cape Alava
ewedistrict: Built a Fire
ewedistrict: B with the Banjuke
ewedistrict: IMG_0406
ewedistrict: IMG_0405
ewedistrict: Sarah and Michelle and Banjuke
ewedistrict: Feet and Banjuke
ewedistrict: That faraway look
ewedistrict: IMG_0400-s
ewedistrict: IMG_0396
ewedistrict: Us and the 'uke
ewedistrict: IMG_0389
ewedistrict: IMG_0388-s
ewedistrict: Cape Alava
ewedistrict: Michelle at Cape Alava
ewedistrict: Alava Tidelands
ewedistrict: "Looks like a fairy tale"
ewedistrict: IMG_0370
ewedistrict: The westernmost latrine
ewedistrict: Ferry