evsmitty: 1. Start Strong
evsmitty: 2. Start Late
evsmitty: 1 screenplay page = 1 min of screen time
evsmitty: Beginning, Middle and End
evsmitty: The Antagonist subverts the truth
evsmitty: 12. A flawed protagonist is more compelling than a perfect protagonist
evsmitty: Make Psychology visual.
evsmitty: 3. Show, don't tell.
evsmitty: 4. Three Stages of filmmaking
evsmitty: 7. Follow the Action
evsmitty: 8. Conceal the action
evsmitty: 9. Discover the Action
evsmitty: 14. Beginning, middle, end.
evsmitty: 15. 1 screenplay page = 1 minute of screen time.
evsmitty: 16. What's at stake?
evsmitty: 17. Create tangible objects of desire.
evsmitty: Make psychology visual.
evsmitty: 11. Control The back-story.