evsc: How many people does it take to weave giant hammocks on custom PVC looms?
evsc: Michael and the chimes
evsc: Diorama with Michael prototyping chimes
evsc: Hammocks going neon
evsc: Adding littlebits always helps
evsc: Shadow rotation sequencing with manual activation
evsc: Running out of floor space for prototypes
evsc: Analog demuxing day
evsc: Now you are talking
evsc: Prototyping shadows and shady conversations @dailytlj
evsc: Fisheye deluxe
evsc: Neon and mason jar tops
evsc: Plant production line
evsc: Setting up the #InTheMouth jungle at Centre PHI
evsc: Drone and scents in the pollination chamber #InTheMouth
evsc: Drone and scents in the pollination chamber #InTheMouth
evsc: Judging scent dissipation in the pollination chamber
evsc: 9th floor secret grow house #InTheMouth
evsc: wall
evsc: Colors
evsc: Monochrome