evrfwd: Outside whole foods, my new home away from home. 17/365+1
evrfwd: Little turkey, I will not forget you. 16/365+1
evrfwd: Art on the wall. 15/365+1
evrfwd: "Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." Edgar Allen Poe
evrfwd: I see you, monkey eye. 13/365+1
evrfwd: Lunch. 12/365+1
evrfwd: She wanted to wear my apron. 11/365+1
evrfwd: Sunset trees. 10/365+1
evrfwd: Organic radishes. 9/365+1
evrfwd: Dinner tonight. 8/365+1
evrfwd: Last cup of chai for a few weeks. 7/365+1
evrfwd: Tree at park. 6/365+1
evrfwd: Snapshot of my life. 5/365+1
evrfwd: Love quality time. 4/365+1
evrfwd: Leaf on green. 3/365 + 1
evrfwd: Winter is here, even if it is 75 today. 2/365 + 1
evrfwd: The party is over and the new year begins. 1/365 + 1