EVPL: Computer Sale - and more line
EVPL: Computer Sale - more line
EVPL: Computer Sale - The line
EVPL: Computer Sale - Mike and Justin
EVPL: Computer Sale - Mike and Mike
EVPL: Computer Sale - waiting for their computers
EVPL: Computer Sale - Linda and Cathy 5
EVPL: Computer services runs like a well oiled machine
EVPL: Computer Sale - Linda and Cathy 3
EVPL: Computer Sale - Linda and Cathy 2
EVPL: Computer Sale - Linda and Cathy 1
EVPL: Computer Sale - loading the carts
EVPL: Computer Sale - getting close
EVPL: Computer Sale - inside line
EVPL: Computer Sale - long line
EVPL: Computer Sale - Darren with loaded cart
EVPL: Computer Sale - Mike with empty cart