Umlilo1979: Zwarte ruiter - Spotted redshank - Tringa erythropus
Umlilo1979: In the last daylight
Umlilo1979: Steenloper - Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
Umlilo1979: Quality time! A pigeon in a paella pan
Umlilo1979: Tropical visitor in a cold Belgian garden Rose-ringed Parakeet - Halsbandparkiet - Psittacula krameri, Near Brussels, Belgium
Umlilo1979: Kuifaalscholver - European shag or common shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
Umlilo1979: Papegaaiduiker, Fratercula arctica, Puffin, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Papegaaiduiker, Fratercula arctica, Puffin, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Papegaaiduiker, Fratercula arctica, Puffin, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Pied wagtail, witte kwikstaart (Motacilla alba), Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Alk, razorbill or lesser auk, (Alca torda), Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Indian stone-curlew or Indian thick-knee (Burhinus indicus), Sri Lanka
Umlilo1979: Bruinkopbijeneter, chestnut-headed bee-eater (Merops leschenaulti)
Umlilo1979: Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis orientalis), Yala National Park, Sri Lanka
Umlilo1979: Indische kuifarend, Crested Hawk Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus), Sri Lanka
Umlilo1979: Western red-billed hornbill - westelijke roodsnaveltok, (Tockus kempi), Footsteps Ecolodge, The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Levaillants koekoek - Levaillant's cuckoo (Clamator levaillantii), Footsteps Ecolodge, The Gambia
Umlilo1979: African Grey Hornbill (Tockus nasutus), Footsteps Ecolodge, The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Village weaver, grote textorwever (Ploceus cucullatus), The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Blue-bellied Roller - Blauwbuikscharrelaar, (Coracias cyanogaster), The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Black-headed Heron, zwartkopreiger (Ardea melanocephala), The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Village weaver, grote textorwever (Ploceus cucullatus) - Footsteps Ecolodge, The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Shikra, seen and photographed in the garden of Footsteps Ecolodge, The Gambia
Umlilo1979: Rode Wouw - Red Kite - Milvus Milvus (moulting?)
Umlilo1979: Multitasking - red kite - rode wouw, Galloway
Umlilo1979: common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) - hen - vrouwtjesfazant, Galloway, Scotland
Umlilo1979: common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) - fazant, Galloway, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Robin - roodborstje
Umlilo1979: gewone of Europese spreeuw - Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) - RSPB Balranald