Umlilo1979: Puck's Glen, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Red kite, Bellymack Hill Farm - Kite Feeding Station, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Happy 2020!
Umlilo1979: Kuifaalscholver - European shag or common shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
Umlilo1979: Seal, Lewis, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Rockpooling, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Papegaaiduiker, Fratercula arctica, Puffin, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Papegaaiduiker, Fratercula arctica, Puffin, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Papegaaiduiker, Fratercula arctica, Puffin, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Pied wagtail, witte kwikstaart (Motacilla alba), Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Alk, razorbill or lesser auk, (Alca torda), Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Egel, Hedgehog, Glengorm Castle, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Umlilo1979: Ferry to Mull, Scotland