Umlilo1979: paddenstoel - fungus - mushroom
Umlilo1979: European tree frog - boomkikker (Hyla arborea)
Umlilo1979: Grove snail - gewone tuinslak (Cepaea nemoralis)
Umlilo1979: Wildflowers
Umlilo1979: korenbloem - cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
Umlilo1979: Wheat - graan
Umlilo1979: Bijenorchis - Bee orchid - Ophrys apifera
Umlilo1979: orchis (lensbaby Velvet56)
Umlilo1979: Zevenbergenbos, Belgium
Umlilo1979: Climbing
Umlilo1979: Zwarte ruiter - Spotted redshank - Tringa erythropus
Umlilo1979: common dandelion - paardenbloem (Taraxacum officinale)
Umlilo1979: Blossoms - Tangebeekbos, Belgium
Umlilo1979: Gewoon sneeuwklokje - snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
Umlilo1979: Winter wonderland
Umlilo1979: In the last daylight
Umlilo1979: Vielsalm, Belgium
Umlilo1979: Wonderful mushrooms, Lamella (Bois du Bolet, Maissin, Belgium)
Umlilo1979: vliegenzwam - fly agaric or fly amanita (Amanita muscaria)
Umlilo1979: Fungus
Umlilo1979: Forest spirit - Happy halloween to all of you! :-)
Umlilo1979: Echt judasoor - wood ear (Auricularia auricula-judae)
Umlilo1979: Fungi
Umlilo1979: Mushroom
Umlilo1979: Steenloper - Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
Umlilo1979: On the forest floor - Silsombos - Belgium
Umlilo1979: Green frog, Brussels
Umlilo1979: Distel - Carduus
Umlilo1979: Fraaie schijnboktor of fraaie schijnbok op akkerwinde (Convonvulus arvensis - Oedemera nobilis) - thick-legged flower beetle on field bindweed (male). This beetle is also known as the swollen-thighed beetle and the false oil beetle.
Umlilo1979: Akkerwinde - Convolvulus arvensis - field bindweed