evil robot 6: Official Work Uniform
evil robot 6: Instead of a name tag today I wore these
evil robot 6: Black Cat
evil robot 6: Big Head
evil robot 6: They let me make some signs today
evil robot 6: Work Uniform
evil robot 6: My Monday Job
evil robot 6: King Kong destroys a cardboard city
evil robot 6: King Kong Jr.
evil robot 6: Today I am Bruce
evil robot 6: Monkey on the Door
evil robot 6: Seattle Grunge 1994
evil robot 6: Day One
evil robot 6: Big Devil
evil robot 6: Break room kitty
evil robot 6: I work with this guy now
evil robot 6: Work made me do it
evil robot 6: Employee Hand Turkey Window
evil robot 6: Bad Clown
evil robot 6: Fish Lady
evil robot 6: Fun Figures
evil robot 6: Work is silly
evil robot 6: I made signs today
evil robot 6: Mr. Bacon Becons
evil robot 6: Art Studio Bird
evil robot 6: Candied Plums from Hong Kong
evil robot 6: Farm Animals
evil robot 6: Cat Prints
evil robot 6: Monster!