evil robot 6: people are dancing
evil robot 6: some guys
evil robot 6: Drinking at The Cuff
evil robot 6: Kiss me deadly
evil robot 6: Your hot host
evil robot 6: Out and about
evil robot 6: Beautiful straight people
evil robot 6: yummy bread
evil robot 6: Hot men
evil robot 6: Does he know it's January?
evil robot 6: Flirty men
evil robot 6: Gay bar of the now
evil robot 6: Hello, bulge !
evil robot 6: Screwdriver. Right hand.
evil robot 6: LJ guys in da house
evil robot 6: Red Slut and AJ
evil robot 6: Beareoke boys
evil robot 6: Rate these beards 1-10
evil robot 6: Storm Cloud. Burnt Toast.
evil robot 6: At the Bus Stop
evil robot 6: Jameth eat pho
evil robot 6: Sexy pose ?
evil robot 6: Jameth at Madison Pub
evil robot 6: Ricardo at Beareoke
evil robot 6: Crescent Lounge !
evil robot 6: Another new hoodie?
evil robot 6: Menstrual blood hand turkey
evil robot 6: LJ users at Beareoke !