Evil Goat: Iain on Grey Slab
Evil Goat: Make it look Steeper!
Evil Goat: Grey Slab Iain
Evil Goat: Hi Tec Silver Shadow - four wheel drive for your feet!
Evil Goat: Ed not struggling at all!
Evil Goat: Sunset over Markfield Quarry
Evil Goat: Rich on Grey Slab
Evil Goat: Alan on limbo
Evil Goat: Limbo crux
Evil Goat: more limbo
Evil Goat: into the limbo
Evil Goat: rich styling through Limbo
Evil Goat: Rich mantelshelf
Evil Goat: my bum
Evil Goat: Dan Gripped!
Evil Goat: Dan trying to figure out the mysteries of V-Gully
Evil Goat: Rich offers abuse
Evil Goat: Push!
Evil Goat: Feel the burn!
Evil Goat: almost there
Evil Goat: not far now
Evil Goat: where do I put my feet?
Evil Goat: Tree in rock
Evil Goat: Beacon Sky
Evil Goat: Sunset Rock
Evil Goat: Alan in the Gully
Evil Goat: Alan getting started
Evil Goat: Belay