Evil Erin: everyone needs an assistant
Evil Erin: so pretty
Evil Erin: disgruntled assistant having his way with my tripod
Evil Erin: school bus and some tulips, what a surprise
Evil Erin: tulip twins
Evil Erin: 2lip001
Evil Erin: never seen someone so happy to carry my purse
Evil Erin: Give a man a tulip and you feed him for a day
Evil Erin: I'd rather have tulips on my table than diamonds on my neck
Evil Erin: or else
Evil Erin: helloooo
Evil Erin: 2lip024
Evil Erin: 2lip027
Evil Erin: 2lip029
Evil Erin: 2lip032
Evil Erin: do you feel left out?
Evil Erin: yellow
Evil Erin: 2lip039
Evil Erin: what a lovely bunch of coconuts