evetsggod: campsite
evetsggod: rufous
evetsggod: blue and gold
evetsggod: miniscule flowers
evetsggod: growth
evetsggod: grass
evetsggod: grass two
evetsggod: grass three
evetsggod: outcrop
evetsggod: red and gold
evetsggod: skull
evetsggod: me, umtanum
evetsggod: umtanum pat
evetsggod: pat, getting his photo-on
evetsggod: scrub
evetsggod: meadow
evetsggod: golden eagle
evetsggod: falcon
evetsggod: contrasting trees
evetsggod: busted
evetsggod: busted two
evetsggod: bighorn sheep
evetsggod: hooves
evetsggod: spine