everyonestc: Zeina (R) and Samira (L) have a dream. Zenia wants to be a painter and Samira wants to be an actress. The two girls were the subject of the first picture in Save the Children's Photography Project in the Bekaa Valley.
everyonestc: Child Labour is the topic of the second shot, taken by workd-renowned photographer Patrick Williocq. The photo features four children who work everyday to help secure food for their families.
everyonestc: 'Education' is the title of the third picture. Thousands of children are deprived of their right to go to school and consequently have to give up on education in favour of working- a message sent out in this shot.
everyonestc: The fourth and last photo features Jana, an 11-year-old girl from Syria who watched her school as it got shelled. Jana fled with her family to Lebanon and has been recalling that sad day.