everyonestc: Ahmad drawing the scenes for his animation movie-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Dia helping Yaarub create motion in his football game scene, as Sulafa watches eagerly-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Continuation of the football scene, Yaarub watches on as Dia explains how to create movement -Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Dia and Sulafa discussing her movie story board in preparation for commencing the filming -Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Dia and Sulafa discussing her movie story board in preparation for commencing the filming-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: From left to right Sulafa and Dia aiding Yaarub with filming his movie -Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: From right to left: Dia and Inaam and Kifayat cutting some card board in preparation for a scene in the latter’s movie-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: From right to left: Dia and Inaam and Kifayat filming the latter’s movie-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: From right to left Sulafa working on her scene while Kifayat preparing her scene for filming and Yaarub taking a break-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Inaam moving the ambulance car frame by frame in order to create motion in the movie-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Kawthar drawing a scene for her movie -Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: On the left Dia Malaeb ( The Animator) giving instructions to one of the participants(Kawthar)-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Rakan (on the Right) helping Sulafa (on the left) with one of her scenes-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Sulafa preparing her scene (Buildings and landscape) prior to filming-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Sulafa fixing some of her drawings before commencing the filming-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Sulafa watches eagerly Yaarub’s football scene-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: The filming station, Sualafa, Yaarub, and two other non-participants who came to see the animation project-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Yaarub (on the left) helping Ahmad (on the right) with one of his scenes. Cooperation at its best-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Yaarub and Sulafa working hand in hand on executing his border scene-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Yaarub drawing a character for one of his scenes-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Yaarub cutting some card board needed for a scene in his movie-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Yaarub taking the lead after observing Dia, in filming his football scene-Save the Children Lebanon’s Animation Project.
everyonestc: Children singing in one of the group activities that was held at Save the Children Lebanon’s event celebrating 16 days against gender based violence-North Lebanon- 29 November 2013.
everyonestc: Two of the children singing and clapping in one of the group activities that was held at Save the Children Lebanon’s event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon - 29 November 2013.
everyonestc: Save the Children Lebanon’s animator, asking questions related to Gender Based Violence in one of the group activities that was held at the event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon-29 November 2013.
everyonestc: Save the Children Lebanon’s animator, asking questions related to Gender Based Violence in one of the group activities that was held at the event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon-29 November 2013.
everyonestc: Save the Children Lebanon’s animator, asking questions related to Gender Based Violence in one of the group activities that was held at the event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon-29 November 2013.
everyonestc: Children gathering for a group photo during Save the Children Lebanon’s event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon -29 November 2013.
everyonestc: Children gathering for a group photo during Save the Children Lebanon’s event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon- 29 November 2013.
everyonestc: One of the children smiling after participating in Save the Children Lebanon’s event celebrating 16 days against Gender Based Violence- North Lebanon - 29 November 2013.