everyonestc: Save the Children’s health animator explaining to the adolescent girls the differences between Sex and Gender.
everyonestc: Adolescent girls participating in their 3rd awareness session about sexual and reproductive health.
everyonestc: An adolescent girl, participating in the sexual and reproductive health awareness session
everyonestc: Adolescent girls participating in their 3rd awareness session about sexual and reproductive health.
everyonestc: Adolescent girls participating in a game, where the animator would state a phrase and the participants would go towards the door if it’s pertaining to Sex and to the window if it’s pertaining to Gender. The importance of the game is to teach them the diff
everyonestc: One of the participants explaining why she thought the phrase that the animator stated was pertaining to Gender, as part of a sexual and reproductive health awareness session.
everyonestc: Adolescent g7.Adolescent girls participating in a game, where the animator would state a phrase and the participants would go towards the door if it’s pertaining to Sex and to the window if it’s pertaining to Gender. The importance of the game is to teach
everyonestc: One of the participants explaining why she thought the phrase that the animator stated was pertaining to Sex.
everyonestc: A group of adolescent boys participating in their first health awareness session that gives an introduction about health and hygiene.
everyonestc: Health animators asking questions regarding the awareness session to make sure that the participants understood the material that was presented.
everyonestc: A health animator explaining about health and hygiene, as part of the sexual and reproductive health sessions in North Lebanon.
everyonestc: A group of adolescent girls participating in their first awareness session about health and hygiene. The adolescents would learn, participate, and answer questions in this interactive awareness session.
everyonestc: One of the participants raising her finger to answer a question asked by the health animator regarding the awareness session that was presented to them.
everyonestc: One of the participants raising her hand to answer a question asked by the health animator regarding the awareness session that was presented to them.
everyonestc: The health animator posing a question regarding the figure that she presented to the adolescents.
everyonestc: Save the Children’s health animator explaining the content of the dignity kit to the adolescent girls.
everyonestc: Save the Children’s health animator explaining the content of the dignity kit to the adolescent girls.
everyonestc: Save the Children’s health animator distributing the dignity kits to the adolescent girls aged between 10 and 18 years old.
everyonestc: All of the attending girls aged between 10 and 18, received dignity kits provided by Save the Children and UNHCR The dignity kits include, sanitation napkins, soap, wet wipes, underwear, a flashlight, a whistle, as well as a Hijab.
everyonestc: All of the attending girls aged between 10 and 18, received dignity kits provided by Save the Children and UNHCR The dignity kits include, sanitation napkins, soap, wet wipes, underwear, a flashlight, a whistle, as well as a Hijab.
everyonestc: Save the Children’s health team distributing dignity kits for adolescent girls. The kits include, sanitation napkins, soap, wet wipes, underwear, a flashlight, a whistle, as well as a Hijab.