Evelyn Rowland: el misti, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: arequipa roof, finished
Evelyn Rowland: arequipa, more to the west
Evelyn Rowland: the laundry, santa catalina convent
Evelyn Rowland: santa catalina, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: west from the roof, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: east from the roof this morning
Evelyn Rowland: chachani mountains from sabandia
Evelyn Rowland: miley o'brien
Evelyn Rowland: corner of santo domingo and pierola, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: corner of los bancarios, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: more from the roof
Evelyn Rowland: SSE from the roof, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: NW from the roof
Evelyn Rowland: water tanks in front of el misti
Evelyn Rowland: opposite si o si dance studios, jerusalen, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: another SSE view, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: telegtraph pole on the corner, los bancarios
Evelyn Rowland: from the roof, los bancarios
Evelyn Rowland: coral,punta sal peru
Evelyn Rowland: sea punta sal, tumbes, peru
Evelyn Rowland: char and meg on the beach of punta sal
Evelyn Rowland: peruvian woman from the highlands
Evelyn Rowland: Plaza de Armas, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: char getting a hair braid
Evelyn Rowland: chachani, arequipa
Evelyn Rowland: coral at low tide, punta sal