EvergreenHills: A long way ahead for wildlife photographers
EvergreenHills: The gazelle runs away
EvergreenHills: Running in full speed
EvergreenHills: Start to running faster
EvergreenHills: Increase the pace
EvergreenHills: The attack started with small steps
EvergreenHills: The target is a gazelle
EvergreenHills: Another round of attack
EvergreenHills: Watching for other predators
EvergreenHills: Eating the soft part
EvergreenHills: Keep alert
EvergreenHills: Caught a wildebeest in less than 20 seconds
EvergreenHills: Start to attack
EvergreenHills: The younger is alert, too.
EvergreenHills: The elder finds a target
EvergreenHills: The younger of two cheetah brothers
EvergreenHills: The elder of two cheetah brothers
EvergreenHills: Adult cheetah teaches kids how to prey
EvergreenHills: Yong cheetahs practice preying
EvergreenHills: A female cheetah and her 4 kids
EvergreenHills: Another female cheetah and her 2 kids
EvergreenHills: A female cheetah and her 2 kids
EvergreenHills: Cheetah likes to have a good view
EvergreenHills: Cheetah in searching for prey
EvergreenHills: Cheetah in watching for enermies
EvergreenHills: Cheetah has slim and soft body
EvergreenHills: Standard picture of Tanzania cheetah
EvergreenHills: A series of photographs Serengeti cheetah
EvergreenHills: East Africa Collection #1
EvergreenHills: The Serengeti after sunset