Miss Fotogrape: DSC00420
Miss Fotogrape: Farewell
Miss Fotogrape: 松園別館
Miss Fotogrape: 南濱之貓
Miss Fotogrape: DSC06289
Miss Fotogrape: Taste Alone - 獨沽
Miss Fotogrape: Reflection of the Beauty - 臨水照花
Miss Fotogrape: Orange Daylily - 忘憂草
Miss Fotogrape: Flower Hill - 黃花山丘
Miss Fotogrape: Blooming - 盛開中
Miss Fotogrape: Yellow Lily Vally - 黃花谷地
Miss Fotogrape: Yellow Carpet - 黃花地毯
Miss Fotogrape: Above the Clouds - 雲之上
Miss Fotogrape: A Farmer - 金針花農
Miss Fotogrape: Harvest Hands - 掌中收成
Miss Fotogrape: A Fence - 圍欄都關不住的爆艷
Miss Fotogrape: Twins - 雙胞胎
Miss Fotogrape: Up - 向上
Miss Fotogrape: Between the Mountains - 群山之間
Miss Fotogrape: The Light in the Shadow - 影中光
Miss Fotogrape: Harvest the Light - 獵光者
Miss Fotogrape: A Day Dream - 日夢
Miss Fotogrape: Flower Wave - 花浪
Miss Fotogrape: Stand in the Yellow Carpet - 被花掩埋腳的樹
Miss Fotogrape: Blue Sky Under - 穹蒼之下
Miss Fotogrape: Not Swiss - 美景家中求