Virens (Latin for greening): Black Locust v. Honey Locust broadleaf tree identification
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus alba - White Oak leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus alba - White Oak leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus alba - White Oak leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak young tree leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak young tree leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak young tree leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Quercus palustris - Pin Oak leaves - Waldo Ave.
Virens (Latin for greening): Morus alba - White Mulberry leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree leaf cluster
Virens (Latin for greening): Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree ripe fruit and leaf cluster
Virens (Latin for greening): Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree Fall leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree large leaf
Virens (Latin for greening): Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum Fall leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree fruit and seed
Virens (Latin for greening): Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet Nightshade plant
Virens (Latin for greening): Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet Nightshade red berries in summer
Virens (Latin for greening): Tilia americana - American Basswood leaves and flowers
Virens (Latin for greening): Ulmus americana - American Elm leaf with doubly serrated margin
Virens (Latin for greening): Ulmus americana - American Elm leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Vitis vinifera - Wine Grape leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Vitis vinifera - Wine Grape leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Vitis vinifera - Wine Grape leaves and fruit
Virens (Latin for greening): Vitis vinifera - Wine Grape leaves and fruit
Virens (Latin for greening): Vitis vinifera - Wine Grape young leaves