Virens (Latin for greening): Asclepias - Butterly Flower
Virens (Latin for greening): Myosotis scorpioides - True Forget-me-not growth habit
Virens (Latin for greening): Myosotis scorpioides - True Forget-me-not
Virens (Latin for greening): Trillium grandiflorum - Wood Lily flower
Virens (Latin for greening): Trillium grandiflorum - Wood Lily growth habit
Virens (Latin for greening): Gentiana andrewsii - Closed Gentian
Virens (Latin for greening): Gentiana andrewsii - Closed Gentian
Virens (Latin for greening): Vernonia noveboracensis - New York Ironweed
Virens (Latin for greening): Vernonia noveboracensis - New York Ironweed
Virens (Latin for greening): Malva moschata - Musk Mallow flower
Virens (Latin for greening): Arisaema triphyllum - Jack in the Pulpit
Virens (Latin for greening): Salvia nemorosa - Meadow Sage leaves and flower
Virens (Latin for greening): Salvia nemorosa - Meadow Sage leaves and flower
Virens (Latin for greening): Salvia nemorosa - Meadow Sage plant
Virens (Latin for greening): Centaurea montana - Perennial Cornflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Centaurea montana - Perennial Cornflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Centaurea montana - Perennial Cornflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Centaurea montana - Perennial Cornflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Centaurea montana - Perennial Cornflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Impatiens capensis - Jewelweed flowers
Virens (Latin for greening): Impatiens capensis - Jewelweed flowers and leaves
Virens (Latin for greening): Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
Virens (Latin for greening): Mycelis muralis - Wall Lettuce flower
Virens (Latin for greening): Mycelis muralis - Wall Lettuce flowers
Virens (Latin for greening): one of 90 species in Genus Symphyotrichum – Aster
Virens (Latin for greening): one of 90 species in Genus Symphyotrichum – Aster
Virens (Latin for greening): Trifolium pratense - Red Clover flower