Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry fruit
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry young leaves and canes with red hairs
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry fruit
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry cane and leaves hanging from rock
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry leaves and fruit
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry plant
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry canes and leaves hanging from rock
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry canes hanging from rock