Virens (Latin for greening):
Ilex verticillata - Winterberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ilex verticillata - Winterberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry leaves and berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ilex verticillata - Winterberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ilex verticillata - Winterberry berries
Virens (Latin for greening):
The many colors of Poison Ivy leaves - young shiny reddish leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum Fall leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum Fall leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Fraxinus americana - White Ash tree In Autumn
Virens (Latin for greening):
Fraxinus americana - White Ash leaves and seed pods
Virens (Latin for greening):
The many colors of Poison Ivy leaves - young shiny reddish leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree large leaf
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree mature leaf back
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree fruit and seed
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree fruit and seeds
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree fallen bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree fallen bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree damaged bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree mature tree bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree mature tree bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree mature tree bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree mature tree growth habit
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree damaged bark