Virens (Latin for greening):
Geranium macrorrhizum - Bigroot Cranesbill
Virens (Latin for greening):
Geranium macrorrhizum - Bigroot Cranesbill
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ilex verticillata - Winterberry leaves in Winter
Virens (Latin for greening):
Clematis terniflora - Sweet Autumn Clematis flowers
Virens (Latin for greening):
Geranium robertianum - Herb-Robert leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Geranium robertianum - Herb-Robert leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Liriodendron tulipfera - Tulip Tree - parts of former flower
Virens (Latin for greening):
Liriodendron tulipfera - Tulip Tree - calyx? that once held the flower
Virens (Latin for greening):
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Japanese Red Maple Fall leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Daucus carota - Queen Anne's Lace
Virens (Latin for greening):
Daucus carota - Queen Anne's Lace
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree leaves in antique frame
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree leaves in antique frame
Virens (Latin for greening):
Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree leaves in antique frames
Virens (Latin for greening):
Gleditsia triacanthos - Honey Locust young compound leaflet
Virens (Latin for greening):
Gleditsia triacanthos - Honey Locust leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Gleditsia triacanthos - Honey Locust leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Gleditsia triacanthos - Honey Locust leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Clematis Piroutte ‘Zobluepi’ leaves and buds
Virens (Latin for greening):
Clematis Blue Piroutte ‘Zobluepi’ leaves and buds
Virens (Latin for greening):
Acer platanoides - Norway Maple young volunteer
Virens (Latin for greening):
Rose multiflora thick thorny canes
Virens (Latin for greening):
Datura - Downey Thorn Apple nice dead leaves
Virens (Latin for greening):
Datura - Downey Thorn Apple
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Platanus x hispanica (formerly P. x acerifolia) - London Planetree characteristic peeling bark
Virens (Latin for greening):
Tragopogon pratensis - Yellow Goat's Beard plant
Virens (Latin for greening):
Tragopogon pratensis - Yellow Goat's Beard plant
Virens (Latin for greening):
Tragopogon pratensis - Yellow Goat's Beard
Virens (Latin for greening):
Tragopogon pratensis - Yellow Goat's Beard