evelyne.frank.huller: acrylic abstract
evelyne.frank.huller: acrylic abstract
evelyne.frank.huller: Acrylic painting
evelyne.frank.huller: Acrylic painting
evelyne.frank.huller: Acrylic painting
evelyne.frank.huller: acrylic painting
evelyne.frank.huller: Grandchild hand
evelyne.frank.huller: Grandchild hand
evelyne.frank.huller: heavy heart,
evelyne.frank.huller: trees in heaven
evelyne.frank.huller: acrylic on rice paper
evelyne.frank.huller: small painting on a wood frame trial
evelyne.frank.huller: tree/Acrylic
evelyne.frank.huller: Acrylic cd and 5x7 canvas
evelyne.frank.huller: Acrylic cd and 5x7 canvas
evelyne.frank.huller: the blue star