Cinderella Club: before the show...
Cinderella Club: what is your dream?
Cinderella Club: 放飞梦想 放走烦恼
Cinderella Club: As usual, together, not all
Cinderella Club: Rope jumping
Cinderella Club: I can fly...
Cinderella Club: what are you dreaming about, cherry?
Cinderella Club: entrance
Cinderella Club: Hey you are really high!
Cinderella Club: the first balloon
Cinderella Club: Do you see his dream?
Cinderella Club: her name is 李思齐
Cinderella Club: When we were young
Cinderella Club: Show Room
Cinderella Club: "Mummy" is here
Cinderella Club: Do you know what this is?
Cinderella Club: Sweet couple
Cinderella Club: name it...
Cinderella Club: from 2nd floor
Cinderella Club: 卖女孩的小火柴
Cinderella Club: somebody at the corner
Cinderella Club: discussion