Ewa Barczykowska: Tea pickers
Ewa Barczykowska: The lake in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Ewa Barczykowska: Tired of walking
Ewa Barczykowska: Paintings on the wall of the Tooth Temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Ewa Barczykowska: Early morning in the temple
Ewa Barczykowska: One morning in the Hill Country
Ewa Barczykowska: On the ground
Ewa Barczykowska: Clouds...
Ewa Barczykowska: I ate this!
Ewa Barczykowska: Stand and stare
Ewa Barczykowska: Just one more turn and we're there...
Ewa Barczykowska: The way...
Ewa Barczykowska: The original photo
Ewa Barczykowska: Lotus for sale
Ewa Barczykowska: Nuclear family
Ewa Barczykowska: Nuclear family
Ewa Barczykowska: Come on, it'll be fun!
Ewa Barczykowska: Elephant happy hour
Ewa Barczykowska: A feeding mother and a baby
Ewa Barczykowska: Pantings on the Kandy temple in Sri Lanka
Ewa Barczykowska: View from Sri Pada, Sri Lanka
Ewa Barczykowska: Pround parent