rangerbatt: 2013-07-14 Little Cottonwood Canyon 619
rangerbatt: 2013-07-14 Little Cottonwood Canyon 436
rangerbatt: 2015-07-05 Big Cottonwood Canyon 1217
rangerbatt: The Great Western Trail above East Canyon
rangerbatt: 2013-08-02 Timpanogos 131
rangerbatt: 2013-07-14 Little Cottonwood Canyon 648
rangerbatt: Wildflower brushstrokes
rangerbatt: Wasatch Mountain Wildflowers
rangerbatt: Unknown Wildflower, help with ID
rangerbatt: Columbine & Daisy in a Crack
rangerbatt: Big Cottonwood Canyon
rangerbatt: Wild Iris
rangerbatt: Marsh Felwort (Swertia perennis)
rangerbatt: Milbert's Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Aglais milberti)
rangerbatt: Wild Red Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) growing by the river
rangerbatt: Glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum)
rangerbatt: Some kind of flowers?
rangerbatt: Beetle of some kind
rangerbatt: Broad-tailed hummingbird
rangerbatt: Broad-tailed hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus)
rangerbatt: Broad-tailed hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus)
rangerbatt: Mixed Wildflowers, Uinta Mountains
rangerbatt: Spots of red, Uinta Mountains
rangerbatt: Wildflowers and Bald Mountain, Uinta Mountains
rangerbatt: Along the trail 1
rangerbatt: Why do they call it Elephant's head? Take a closer look.
rangerbatt: Elephant's head, by stream.
rangerbatt: Sunrise, Little Cottonwood Canyon
rangerbatt: Colorful path
rangerbatt: Wildflowers and the Devils Castle