evanievan: cabin near two harbors
evanievan: spring fishing at cliff creek
evanievan: mountain of taconite
evanievan: sunset at taconite plant
evanievan: sunset in birches
evanievan: sundown looking over pallisade head
evanievan: water tailings along the lake
evanievan: wolf print in snow
evanievan: sun rising on the frozen crooked lake
evanievan: walking on frozen crooked lake
evanievan: morning camp tea
evanievan: camping in superior national forest
evanievan: wolf prints
evanievan: wolf scat
evanievan: morning on the frozen lake
evanievan: bar in the superior national forest
evanievan: boggy steam in superior national forest
evanievan: half frozen river
evanievan: north woods shack
evanievan: hiking near finland, mn
evanievan: indian cemetery at beaver bay
evanievan: beaver river
evanievan: near the mouth of the beaver river
evanievan: split rock light house
evanievan: old pier posts
evanievan: remains of old fishing pier
evanievan: odd frozen waterfalls
evanievan: in floodwood
evanievan: the cabin
evanievan: picnicing on the beach at the cabin