evanievan: statue from chinatown bus
evanievan: beautiful baltimore
evanievan: kevin, chinatown bus
evanievan: DC chinatown
evanievan: art-o-mat at DC whole foods, with kevin and maureen
evanievan: open mic in tentlytown
evanievan: the newest part game, Stump
evanievan: kevin, at DC party
evanievan: tently town, highest point in DC
evanievan: long descent to the DC subway
evanievan: the national mall towards the us capitol
evanievan: smithsonian on the national mall
evanievan: rockets in the air and space museum
evanievan: stars
evanievan: national museum of the american indian
evanievan: duck in fountain
evanievan: ring of stuff to buy, Smithsonian american indian museum
evanievan: ducks in fountain
evanievan: playing ultimate frisbee on the national mall
evanievan: smithsonian castle
evanievan: arms with shadows
evanievan: washington monument
evanievan: in front of monument
evanievan: looking towards the lincoln monument
evanievan: at a reflecting pool
evanievan: towards the lincoln momument
evanievan: vendors near the white house
evanievan: the white house
evanievan: a tour of the gardens at Dumbarton Oaks
evanievan: gardens at Dumbarton Oaks