evanievan: my room, mark's living room
evanievan: the west end...
evanievan: tour buses all over..
evanievan: columbia university
evanievan: view from belvedere castle, central park
evanievan: at the met
evanievan: guggenheim museum under restoration
evanievan: tom's
evanievan: kevin + i at times square
evanievan: some jewish sect dancing with joy at times square
evanievan: kevin and mark in the subway
evanievan: kevin, pool pro
evanievan: around nyc
evanievan: federal hall
evanievan: near ground zero
evanievan: ground zero
evanievan: cleaning money out of pool at the met
evanievan: met's grand stair at closing time
evanievan: leaving the met
evanievan: christmas tree seller picks up some columbia girls
evanievan: looking toward manhattan from Amtrak train
evanievan: activity at times square
evanievan: 42nd street station
evanievan: historic buildings nestled in the finacial district
evanievan: christmas at the stock exchange
evanievan: in chinatown
evanievan: nyc chinatown, from chinatown bus
evanievan: times square
evanievan: market along manhattan bridge
evanievan: kevin at the market