EVAN BAYH: Bayh in Columbus
EVAN BAYH: Joe Donnelly Event in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: Joe Donnelly Event in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with Donnelly supporter
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with Donnelly supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with Donnelly supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh at Gear Works in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: Bayh in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: Bayh in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: High Five, Senator Bayh
EVAN BAYH: Schafer Gear Works in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: Schafer Gear Works in South Bend
EVAN BAYH: Evan Bayh with Joe Donnelly
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Schafer Gear Works
EVAN BAYH: Evan Bayh: Indiana's Finest
EVAN BAYH: UAW Wlecomes Bayh
EVAN BAYH: Hoosier Democrats Volunteering at JJ Dinner
EVAN BAYH: Hoosier Volunteers
EVAN BAYH: Bayh Signing Autographs
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with young Hoosiers
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters
EVAN BAYH: Bayh with supporters