Mostraum: M/S Straumvik
Mostraum: M/S Straumvik
Mostraum: Nordlys IV - Raude segl - Red sails
Mostraum: Chased
Mostraum: Padletur
Mostraum: Nordstjernen heading north
Mostraum: Solnedgang med båtar
Mostraum: Sailing
Mostraum: Speeding across the fjord
Mostraum: Regatta
Mostraum: Regatta
Mostraum: In the lead
Mostraum: In pursuit
Mostraum: Hurtigruta M/S Finnmarken
Mostraum: Falkvik
Mostraum: Meeting
Mostraum: Klevstrand
Mostraum: Roslagen, fully loaded
Mostraum: Roslagen and another boat
Mostraum: Roslagen og Straumvik
Mostraum: Sunset - Roslagen and Straumvik
Mostraum: Keeping company
Mostraum: Red sails
Mostraum: Hanging on
Mostraum: Galeas Loyal headed for Bergen
Mostraum: Galeas Loyal headed for Bergen
Mostraum: D/S Oster
Mostraum: Statsraad Lehmkuhl
Mostraum: D/S Oster and Polarlys
Mostraum: D/S Oster