Mostraum: Solan - showing off his scarred belly
Mostraum: Solan - fighting the velcro and winning
Mostraum: Solan - sleeping comfortably
Mostraum: Solan - sleeping comfortably
Mostraum: Solan - sleeping comfortably
Mostraum: Solan - getting his appetite back
Mostraum: Solan - looking a bit silly in his post-op suit
Mostraum: Worn out from all the bubble fun
Mostraum: Concentration
Mostraum: Mine!
Mostraum: Wow! Bubbles!
Mostraum: New toy - with catnip
Mostraum: New toy - with catnip
Mostraum: New toy - with catnip
Mostraum: New toy - with catnip
Mostraum: Let sleeping cats lie!
Mostraum: Let sleeping cats lie.
Mostraum: Solan - doing his royal pose
Mostraum: Solan - doing his royal pose
Mostraum: Solan
Mostraum: Solan plays with his tunnel
Mostraum: Solan
Mostraum: Solan plays with his tunnel
Mostraum: Solan
Mostraum: Salat
Mostraum: Cat walking
Mostraum: Solan is enjoying the sunset
Mostraum: Cat is a dish best served warm
Mostraum: ANNOYING!
Mostraum: Planlegg ugagn -|- Planning mischief