Eva the Weaver: Last view
Eva the Weaver: Gone willows
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: The rock underneath
Eva the Weaver: Winter slide
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: Zigzag
Eva the Weaver: Carpet
Eva the Weaver: Building the red house
Eva the Weaver: Reflecting the red house
Eva the Weaver: Building pattern
Eva the Weaver: Hot dog party
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: Red house paints neighbour pink
Eva the Weaver: Scrapped slide
Eva the Weaver: From Ruddalen
Eva the Weaver: Speldosegatan
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: Sky slide
Eva the Weaver: Corner of Valthornsgatan
Eva the Weaver: Through the box
Eva the Weaver: The last two poplars
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: Stjärnhusfasad
Eva the Weaver: Munspelsgatan garbage chutes
Eva the Weaver: Magpie
Eva the Weaver: Framtidens utemiljö
Eva the Weaver: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!