Eva the Weaver: Svante ca 1900
Eva the Weaver: Thilda ca 1900
Eva the Weaver: Annotationsalmanacka
Eva the Weaver: For looking in albums
Eva the Weaver: Eva, Kerstin, Anna Karin
Eva the Weaver: Mother and me
Eva the Weaver: Anna and Fredrik Wieweg
Eva the Weaver: Karin and me
Eva the Weaver: Eva reading Kalle Anka
Eva the Weaver: Where to?
Eva the Weaver: From the family album
Eva the Weaver: Eva & Kerstin
Eva the Weaver: Paddan 1960
Eva the Weaver: Morfar Gustav
Eva the Weaver: Cousins by the river - 1963
Eva the Weaver: Botaniska 64
Eva the Weaver: Four generations
Eva the Weaver: Stockholms Norra kyrkogård
Eva the Weaver: Farmors morföräldrar
Eva the Weaver: Checking the Anderses
Eva the Weaver: Too much time at the screen
Eva the Weaver: Rachel Korthous bouppteckning
Eva the Weaver: Olof Lindström roots
Eva the Weaver: Greta Lisa Carlsdotter