Eva the Weaver: Exclamation mark from behind
Eva the Weaver: Ö backwards
Eva the Weaver: Ä backwards
Eva the Weaver: Å reverse
Eva the Weaver: Z backwards
Eva the Weaver: Y backwards
Eva the Weaver: X backwards
Eva the Weaver: W backwards
Eva the Weaver: V backwards
Eva the Weaver: U backside
Eva the Weaver: T reverse
Eva the Weaver: S reverse
Eva the Weaver: R backwards
Eva the Weaver: Q backwards
Eva the Weaver: P reverse
Eva the Weaver: O reverse
Eva the Weaver: N reverse
Eva the Weaver: m reverse
Eva the Weaver: L type - backwards
Eva the Weaver: K reverse
Eva the Weaver: J backwards
Eva the Weaver: I backwards
Eva the Weaver: H backwards
Eva the Weaver: G reverse
Eva the Weaver: F reverse
Eva the Weaver: e - reversed
Eva the Weaver: D backwards
Eva the Weaver: C backwards
Eva the Weaver: B backwards
Eva the Weaver: A reversed