Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C: New high-power broadcast satellite
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C satellite in the clean room
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C satellite above in assembly and test at Space Systems Loral’s facility (Credit: Photo courtesy of Space Systems Loral)
Eutelsat Group:
Technicians in the Space Systems Loral satellite assembly facility testing EUTELSAT 7C satellite (Credit: Photo courtesy of Space Systems Loral)
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C in the compact antenna test range at Maxar Technologies facilities
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C arrival at Cayenne Félix Eboué airport where its protective container is unloaded from an Antonov aircraft
Eutelsat Group:
Technicians opening the EUTELSAT 7C container at the Spaceport's facilities in Kourou (French Guiana)
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C fitcheck at the Spaceport's facilities in Kourou (French Guiana)
Eutelsat Group:
The CCU3 (Payload Transfer Container #3) with EUTELSAT 7C in the clean room
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C mated atop the launcher
Eutelsat Group:
EUTELSAT 7C mated atop the launcher
Eutelsat Group:
Ariane 5 rolls out to the launch zone for lift off with EUTELSAT 7C satellite
Eutelsat Group:
Successful launch of EUTELSAT 7C by an Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana (20 June 2019)
Eutelsat Group:
Successful launch of EUTELSAT 7C by an Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana (20 June 2019)