eustatic: st claude approach--westbound
eustatic: lower 9 to bridge
eustatic: lower 9
eustatic: los islenos center
eustatic: los islenos center
eustatic: toca?
eustatic: toca?
eustatic: reggio
eustatic: ufo school outside of reggio
eustatic: bridge closed west of school
eustatic: bridge closed west of school
eustatic: 17mph
eustatic: dredge
eustatic: the last road
eustatic: big sky
eustatic: dead end
eustatic: end of the line
eustatic: air sampling?
eustatic: bridge closed west of school
eustatic: delacroix
eustatic: reggio bridge: new fishing spot?
eustatic: bridge closed west of school --canal
eustatic: verret HESCOs
eustatic: Bayou Rd Lemna
eustatic: Bayou Rd Toca Plants
eustatic: Bayou Rd Toca
eustatic: dockport DEATH 1&2
eustatic: church, no bulldoz
eustatic: DSCF3304
eustatic: violet HESCOs