Nikola Rahme: Hedychrum nobile
Nikola Rahme: Parnopes grandior
Nikola Rahme: Stilbum calens
Nikola Rahme: Chrysis comparata
Nikola Rahme: Chrysis ragusae
Nikola Rahme: Hairy plane
Nikola Rahme: Fly grabs fly
Nikola Rahme: Coraebus fasciatus
Nikola Rahme: Chalcophorella fabricii
Nikola Rahme: Trachys troglodytiformis
Nikola Rahme: Meliboeus aeratus
Nikola Rahme: Camouflaged buprestid II
Nikola Rahme: Cherry jewel beetle
Nikola Rahme: Bronze Agrilus II
Nikola Rahme: Orange spotted jewel
Nikola Rahme: 8-spotted jewel
Nikola Rahme: The green gorgeous chafer
Nikola Rahme: Illustrious jewel
Nikola Rahme: Adolescent Swallowtail
Nikola Rahme: Long-armed leaf beetle
Nikola Rahme: Sleepy beefly
Nikola Rahme: Violet and intricate
Nikola Rahme: Striped longhorn
Nikola Rahme: Fire beetle
Nikola Rahme: The amber robber I
Nikola Rahme: A huge jewel beetle
Nikola Rahme: Giant capricorn beetle
Nikola Rahme: Giant robber
Nikola Rahme: Dark wood-borer II
Nikola Rahme: _MG_4124-4130w