European Observatory on Memories:
Monument to Those Who Died on the Streets of their City, by Branko Ruzić
European Observatory on Memories:
Valley of the Graves, by Vojin Bakić
European Observatory on Memories:
Dotrščina memorial park
European Observatory on Memories:
The Grič Tunnel
European Observatory on Memories:
Entrance to the Grič Tunnel
European Observatory on Memories:
Monument to the accession of Croatia yo the European Union (Europe Square)
European Observatory on Memories:
The former site of the Zagreb synagogue
European Observatory on Memories:
The former site of the Zagreb synagogue
European Observatory on Memories:
The former site of the Zagreb synagogue
European Observatory on Memories:
Historical walk to discover monuments and memory sites in Zagreb
European Observatory on Memories:
At the market in Zagreb
European Observatory on Memories:
European Observatory on Memories:
Shared narratives: regional politics towards the recent history events and YIHR's efforts in reconciliations process
European Observatory on Memories: