European Environmental Bureau: Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General, DG ENV giving the key note speech
European Environmental Bureau: Jeremy Wates, EEB Secretary General
European Environmental Bureau: Humberto Delgado Rosa, Natural Capital Director, DG ENV
European Environmental Bureau: Pieter de Pous, EEB EU Policy Director sets out 7 key steps the EU must take to stave off biodiversity loss
European Environmental Bureau: Brian O'Riordan, Deputy Director, LIFE platform
European Environmental Bureau: Valentina Mabilia, Policy Officer Maritime spatial planning unit, DG Mare, European Commission
European Environmental Bureau: Bruna Campos, EU Marine & Fisheries Policy Officer, BirdLife Europe
European Environmental Bureau: Sini Eräjää, EU Bioenergy Policy Officer, BirdLife Europe & EEB in Session 5
European Environmental Bureau: Prof. Felix Wäckers, Lancaster University (UK) Director R&D for Biobest (Belgium)
European Environmental Bureau: Claudia Olazabal, Head of Unit, Land Use & Management Unit, DG Environment, European Commission
European Environmental Bureau: Cécile Fèvre, Senior Policy Officer for Sustainable Farming Systems and Agroenvironmental Polcies, French Ministry of Environment, Energy, and the Sea
European Environmental Bureau: Sandra Bell, Nature Campaigner, Friends of the Earth England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
European Environmental Bureau: Natasja Oerlemans, Head of Footprint & Innovation, WWF Netherlands
European Environmental Bureau: Faustine Bas-Defossez, Policy Manager for Agriculture & Bioenergy, European Environmental Bureau
European Environmental Bureau: Jacki Davis, Moderator
European Environmental Bureau: Frank Klingenstein, Policy officer, German Federal Ministry for Environment (BMU); Stefan Leiner, Head of Unit, Biodiversity Unit, DG Environment, European Commission; and Caroline Van Leenders, Senior Process Manager Sustainable Transition, Netherlands E
European Environmental Bureau: Question time for the speakers and panellists
European Environmental Bureau: Caroline Van Leenders, Senior Process Manager, Sustainable Transitions, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation
European Environmental Bureau: Stefan Leiner, Head of Unit, Biodiversity Unit, DG Environment, European Commission
European Environmental Bureau: Frank Klingenstein, Policy officer, German Federal Ministry for Environment (BMU)
European Environmental Bureau: Session 3: Scaling up financing for Natura 2000 management and restoration
European Environmental Bureau: Session 3 underway
European Environmental Bureau: Ilko Bosman, Enterprise Director, Rewilding Europe
European Environmental Bureau: Gema Rodriguez, Programme Officer for Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation, WWF Spain speaking in Session 3
European Environmental Bureau: Michael Proschek-Hauptmann, Managing Director Umweltdachverband, Austria
European Environmental Bureau: Ariel Brunner, Senior Head of Policy, BirdLife Europe
European Environmental Bureau: #Act4Nature underway
European Environmental Bureau: #Act4Nature underway in Brussels
European Environmental Bureau: Rob Van der Meer, Director of Public Affairs, Heidelberg Cement
European Environmental Bureau: Nicola Notaro, Head of Unit, Nature Unit, DG Environment, European Commission